Secondary West KS3 & KS4 Semi-Formal Curriculum
The Grove Secondary West KS3 & KS4 semi-formal curriculum offers broad and balanced pathways for pupils and their individual needs. The key aim is for pupils to develop independence in both their academic learning and their personal skills and to be recognised for these achievements through external qualifications and accreditations matched to their learning levels.
The curriculum is designed and adapted to meet the needs of all pupils. Pupils will continue to work towards targets outlined in their EHCP and Transition towards Adulthood plan, alongside the academic curriculum. There is a focus on independence with learning and life skills at this key stage.
KS3 Curriculum
The aim of the KS3 curriculum is to build on the experiences from the primary phase and to support our pupils to become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens.
Pupils are based in classes and have one teacher who delivers the full curriculum. Pupils study a rich, developmentally appropriate curriculum at KS3 which encompasses a broad range of subjects including: English, Maths, Humanities, Science, PSHE, The Arts, Technology, Music and PE.
Pupils in the Secondary West department follow either the semi-formal or formal curriculum. The semi-formal pathway is for pupils who are working at pre key-stage standard levels and uses an adapted curriculum that aligns with the National Curriculum. The formal curriculum is for pupils who are working at National Curriculum level. All learning is accessible, meaningful and relevant to all students. Every lesson is planned to be challenging, enjoyable and successful for each pupil and there are many opportunities for practical hands-on activities and visits to places that enhance learning and extend cultural capital, ensuring learning is fun!
The Secondary West Curriculum is organised into 3 pathways:
- The Semi-Formal Pathway 1
- The Semi-Formal Pathway 2
- Formal Curriculum Pathway 3
All pathways are delivered in three year cycles. Pupils are able to work flexibly between pathways if appropriate.
The three year cycle provides pupils with the opportunity to move smoothly from one pathway to the next, and to consolidate and enrich skills learnt. Each pathway has been carefully mapped out in order for pupils to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in English, Maths, Science and other curriculum areas in a purposeful and concrete way. The curriculum is designed to be broad and balanced ensuring coverage of Humanities, PSHE / RSHE, Art & DT, Computing, Performing Arts, PE and Cultural Studies/MFL.
The Pathway 3 Formal Curriculum incorporates the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum, whilst also providing other experiences and opportunities which best meet the learning and development needs of the pupils in our school. The aim of our Pathway 3 curriculum is for pupils to have the requisite skills to be successful, independent and motivated learners in readiness for their next stage of education.
Sec West KS3 curriculum overview
KS4 Curriculum
The intent of the KS4 curriculum is to build on the experiences from the Primary and the KS3 phase and to support our pupils to become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens.
Pupils are based in classes and have one teacher who delivers the full curriculum. The curriculum is thematic and delivered on a two year rolling programme. The themes have been carefully chosen in order to promote careers, the arts and global citizenship. Every lesson is planned to be challenging, enjoyable and successful for each pupil and there are many opportunities for practical hands-on activities and visits to places that enhance learning and extend cultural capital, ensuring learning is fun!
There are three pathways in the KS4 semi-formal curriculum:
- Pathway 1 will work towards AQA Unit Awards in a range of subjects
- Pathway 2 will work towards Pearson Entry-Level 1 in English and Maths
- Pathway 3 will work towards Pearson Entry-Level 2 in English and Maths.
All pupils will continue to work from the Grove Curriculum in Science, PSHE and RE. All pupils will work towards AQA Unit Awards in foundation subjects.