As part of the consultation, SEARCH Education Trust has been seeking your views on our proposed bid to apply to open a free school in Enfield
94.6% of stakeholders whom we consulted with are supportive of our plans to bid to open a Free school in Enfield.
To read the percentage scores for responses from our consultation some of the comments that you made to us please click the link below
Here are some of the quotes from our stakeholders.
“Following on from the success of The Grove, this new school would be a fantastic addition to the Trust.”
“This would be a fantastic opportunity for children in another Borough to get the help and support they need without having to travel too far.”
“This will be a great benefit to Enfield and The Grove is an example of how a successful school can support students with these additional needs and help them to thrive.”
“This Trust has a track record of excellent outcomes in different setting. I am proud to work at this trust and would love to see it expand.”
“The Grove is an established special school in Haringey that has an Outstanding Ofsted. It would be beneficial for the Autistic community to be able to access a high quality equivalent setting in Enfield.”
“The quality of provision is excellent in the SEARCH schools and I believe that other students should get the opportunity to experience this.”
“If we can get more schools like The Grove then the world would be a better place.”